Baby Smart Infant and Toddler Child Care Centre - Complaint Information
General Details
Facility TypeChild Care - 300
Investigation CompletedNovember 04, 2021
Reason for Investigation - Care and supervision
Report of Findings
Licensing received a complaint on November 2, 2021, regarding care and supervision, nutrition and food services, and physical
facility. The following concerns were alleged:

- Two school age children attend the facility and play outside without supervision.
- A child was served whole grapes which poses a choking hazard.
- There is a strong smell of old diapers in the facility.

All areas of the complaint were fully investigated. Evidence was collected through interviews and a facility inspection.

Licensing determined the following contraventions:
Child Care Licensing Regulation Section 15(2)(c) Physical facility, equipment and furnishings
Child Care Licensing Regulation Section 34(2)(a) Care and supervision
Child Care Licensing Regulation Section 34(2)(b) Care and supervision
Child Care Licensing Regulation Section 39(1) Care and supervision
Substantiated Contraventions: Evidence for this summary report is based on a combination of the Licensing Officer’s observations, a review of facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of the investigation.
Observed Violations/Contraventions: A summary of the violations found during the complaint investigation are listed below.
Code Category/Description
11120 - CCLR s.15(2)(c)A licensee must ensure that each piece of furniture or equipment for sleeping (c) is appropriate for the size, age and development of the children intended to use it.
Observation: Coats were being used as bedding.
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
14020 - CCLR s.34(2)(a)Without limiting subsection (1), a licensee must ensure that (a) children attending a community care facility are divided into groups, with each group having no more children than that permitted in Schedule E.
Observation: The facility licence allows care to eight children under 36 months. CCFL determined that care was being provided to 10 children with two of these children being school age.
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
14030 - CCLR s.34(2)(b)Without limiting subsection (1), a licensee must ensure that (b) the ratio of employees to children attending a community care facility is no less than that permitted in Schedule E.
Observation: The manager was alone with 10 children for 30 minutes.
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
Actions Required by Licensee/Operator
- No further action required. All contraventions have been addressed.
Action Required by Licensing Officer or Medical Health Officer
- No further action required. All contraventions have been addressed.