Aldergrove Daycare Centre/Smurf City - Complaint Information
General Details
Facility TypeChild Care - 300
Investigation CompletedAugust 08, 2019
Reason for Investigation - Care and supervision
Report of Findings
Licensing received a complaint on August 1st, 2019, alleging concerns of care and supervision.

The allegations included the following details:
- inappropriate staff to child ratio
- inappropriate guidance

Evidence was obtained through Licensing observations, a review of facility documentation, and interviews.
All areas of the complaint were investigated. Licensing confirmed the following contraventions:
- Child Care Licensing Regulation (CCLR) Section 39(1) Continuous supervision
- CCLR Section 34(4)(a) Group sizes and employee to children ratios
- CCLR Section 52(1)(a) Guidance and discipline
Licensee is required to submit a corrective action plan to Licensing for review.
Substantiated Contraventions: Evidence for this summary report is based on a combination of the Licensing Officer’s observations, a review of facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of the investigation.
Observed Violations/Contraventions: A summary of the violations found during the complaint investigation are listed below.
Code Category/Description
12280 - CCLR s.34(4)(a)Despite this section, during the half hour before a care program begins and the half hour after a care program ends, a licensee may permit children who would otherwise be grouped in different care programs, and who are arriving at or leaving the community care facility, to be grouped together and supervised other than as required under Schedule E if (a) the care program is described as Multi-Age Child Care, Group Child Care (Under 36 Months), Group Child Care (30 Months to School Age) or Group Child Care (School Age).
Observation: Licensing determined that different service type groups were mixing at the end of the day for longer than the ½ hour allowable in legislation
Corrective action: Provide a corrective action plan.
14060 - CCLR s.39(1)A licensee must ensure that children are supervised at all times by a person who is an educator, an assistant or a responsible adult.
Observation: Licensing determined that continuous supervision was not provided to a child in the Group Child Care (30 month to school age) program.
Corrective action: Provide a corrective action plan.
14220 - CCLR s.51(1)(a)A licensee must (a) ensure that behavioural guidance is appropriate to the age and development of the child who is receiving the guidance.
Observation: Licensing determined inappropriate guidance techniques were used to manage behaviour.
Corrective action: Provide a corrective action plan.
Actions Required by Licensee/Operator
- Corrective action plan to be developed and submitted.
Action Required by Licensing Officer or Medical Health Officer
- Review and monitor corrective action plan
Status Update
No further action required. All contraventions have been addressed.
Updated on August 16, 2019.