Swetexel Preschool & Daycare - Complaint Information
General Details
Facility TypeChild Care - 300
Investigation CompletedSeptember 08, 2023
Reason for Investigation - Care and supervision
Report of Findings
Community Care Facilities Licensing (CCFL) received a complaint on August 2, 2023 concerning care and supervision.

The following was confirmed:
- A staff used a negative tone and language when supporting a child.
- A staff used a highchair inappropriately as a guidance strategy.

All areas of the complaint were fully investigated. Evidence was received and reviewed from interviews and documentation.

Licensing determined the following contraventions:

Child Care Licensing Regulation (CCLR)
- Section 52 (1)(b)(c) – Harmful actions not permitted
- Section 56 (1)(f) and 56 (2) – Community care facility records and policies
- Section 58 (1)(c)(ii) – Care plans
Substantiated Contraventions: Evidence for this summary report is based on a combination of the Licensing Officer’s observations, a review of facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of the investigation.
Observed Violations/Contraventions: A summary of the violations found during the complaint investigation are listed below.
Code Category/Description
13071 - CCLR s.56(2)A licensee must ensure that the policies and procedures referred to in subsection (1) are implemented by employees.
Observation: Observed that staff 1 did not follow facility policies in relation to guidance and documentation practices
Corrective action: Corrective action plan required
14270 - CCLR s.52(1)(b)A licensee must ensure that a child, while under the care or supervision of the licensee, is not subjected to any of the following: (b) confinement or physical restraint by an employee, except as authorized in a child care's plan if the care plan includes instructions respecting behavioural guidance.
Observation: Confirmed confinement of a child by staff 1 using a high chair
Corrective action: Corrective action plan required
19240 - CCLR s.58(1)(c)(ii)A licensee must keep, for each child requiring extra support, a current care plan showing the following information: (c) the resources to be made available to the child requiring extra support by the licensee, including (ii) any modification to the program of activities necessary to enable the child to participate in or benefit from the program.
Observation: Care plan no created with information to guide and direct staff actions or modifications to the program’s activities.
Corrective action: Corrective action plan required
Actions Required by Licensee/Operator
- Corrective action plan to be developed and submitted.
Action Required by Licensing Officer or Medical Health Officer
- Review the corrective action plan.
Status Update
No further action required. All contraventions have been addressed.
Updated on September 19, 2023.