Brightstart Children's Academy Ltd - Complaint Information
General Details
Facility TypeChild Care - 300
Investigation CompletedFebruary 08, 2022
Reason for Investigation - Program
Report of Findings
Licensing received a complaint on February 7, 2022, regarding programming and policies and procedures. The following concerns were alleged:

-Children in the infant program do not have outside play on a daily basis
-A copy of the facility Active Play policy is not provided to families

All areas of the complaint were fully investigated. Evidence was collected through interviews and a review of documentation.

Licensing determined the following contraventions:
-Child Care Licensing Regulation Section 56(2) Policies and Procedures
-Child Care Licensing Regulation Section 44(3)(4)(5) Program
Substantiated Contraventions: Evidence for this summary report is based on a combination of the Licensing Officer’s observations, a review of facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of the investigation.
Observed Violations/Contraventions: A summary of the violations found during the complaint investigation are listed below.
Code Category/Description
13071 - CCLR s.56(2)A licensee must ensure that the policies and procedures referred to in subsection (1) are implemented by employees.
Observation: Infant program staff are not implementing the facility Active Play and a copy of this policy is not being provided to any of the families enrolled at the facility.
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
18060 - CCLR s.44(3)(4)(5)A licensee, other than a licensee providing a care program described as Occasional Child Care, must provide each child with daily outdoor play periods unless weather conditions would make it unreasonable to do so. (4) Despite subsection (1), a licensee who provides a care program described as Occasional Child Care need not provide a program of outdoor activities. (5) Despite subsection (3), that subsection applies to a licensee who provides a care program described as Child-minding only if the program provides care for 3.5 hours or more each day.
Observation: Children in the infant program have not been provided with daily outdoor periods of play since December 2021
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
Actions Required by Licensee/Operator
- No further action required. All contraventions have been addressed.
Action Required by Licensing Officer or Medical Health Officer
- No further action required. All contraventions have been addressed.