Types of Water Notices

Water Quality Advisory

Used when consumption of water may pose a risk to some members of the population or may pose a low risk to the general public. This type of advisory will specify the nature of the risk and will provide specific instructions to help minimize the risk. (e.g., high iron, high sodium)

Boil Water Notice

Used when consumption of water poses a significant risk to the population and the risk can adequately be addressed by boiling the water. (e.g.. inadequate disinfection, high turbidity, microbiological contamination)

Do Not Use Water Notice

Used when consumption of water poses a significant risk to the general population and the risk cannot be adequately addressed by boiling the water (e.g. chemical contamination)

Treatment Options for Boil Water Notices:

  1. Boil water for minimum of 1 minute
  2. Add two drops of household bleach per 1 litre warm water (double dose for cold water), shake and let stand for 30 minutes before using
  3. Add chlorine or iodine tablets and follow manufacturer’s instructions.

Treatment is recommended for:

  1. Drinking purposes (including preparation of fruit juices, ice tea and ice cubes)
  2. Food Preparation (including washing fruit and vegetables that will not be boiled)
  3. Brushing teeth
  4. Washing dishes