Fir Bluff Water System

Facility Location:
7584 Bluff Road
Telkwa, V0J 2X1

Facility Information:
Facility Type:  15-300 Connections
Current Hazard Rating:   High

This facility is currently under a Boil Water Notice

     Underlying Problems: Coliforms present in water quality results from August 24/10. Historically there is a history of vegetative coliforms within the water system. Surface source of water is Kirby Lake. Source should be disinfected to 0.2ppm at the end of the distribution system and is possibly inadequate. Was listed as a Water Quality Advisory and should have been a Boil Water Notice. Blue Green Algae has been a concern in the past - Operators have been instructed to"Not Use" the water if Blue Green Algae becomes noticable in the water source or distribution system. Boiling can potentially increase toxins present in Blue Green Algae when present. Contact Northern Health for guidance if this occurs.
     Steps Taken to Remedy: Long-Term Plan for Drinking Water System Improvement Plan is in place for Fir Bluff Drinking Water System Escalation from Water Quality Advisory from 26-Mar-2009. Operator to communicate to system users that water is to be boiled. Communication system is in place by email and in paper form. Several system users were contacted to ensure that the notice was being communicated effectively. System inspection conducted on Aug 31/10
     Corrective Actions Remaining: Water Treatment: A Water Treatment upgrade review would include consideration of filtration, water treatment upgrade, disinfection, and re-chlorination of water mains. Two forms of treatment required for a surface water source. Another form of disinfection is required. Met with Operator of the system: 1. Residual (free chlorine) at end of system was not always being maintained at 0.2ppm. Chlorine dose to be increased from 6% (domestic) to 9% (commercial) to ensure that dose does not fall below 0.2ppm. Adequate records have been kept. Chlorinator pump was working at the time of inspection. 2. Updated Emergency Response Plan required

Facility Inspection History:
Click on an inspection link below to see additional details

Document Type   Details
Routine Inspection  7-Sep-2018  High
Sample Range Report  1-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2017
Sample Range Report  1-Jul-2017 to 30-Sep-2017
Sample Range Report  1-Apr-2017 to 30-Jun-2017
Sample Range Report  1-Jan-2017 to 31-Mar-2017
Routine Inspection  11-May-2009  Moderate
Routine Inspection  4-Jun-2008  High
Routine Inspection  7-Nov-2007  High
Routine Inspection  10-Jul-2006  Moderate
Routine Inspection  19-Nov-2004  Moderate
Routine Inspection  17-Jun-2004  Moderate
Routine Inspection  5-Apr-2004  Low
Routine Inspection  25-Jan-2002  Moderate