Silver Queen Camp

Facility Location:
21290 Morice Owen FSR
Houston, V0J 1Z0

Facility Information:
Facility Type:  2-14 Connections
Current Hazard Rating:   Low

This facility is currently under a Boil Water Notice

     Underlying Problems: Camp was not in operation in 2019. Upon re-opening, the camp water system was disconnected from the UV treatment system due to operational issues with the UV system. As water was not being treated, a BWN was issued by the water system operator.
     Steps Taken to Remedy: Operator working on repairing the UV treatment system, replacing the filters and the UV bulb. Clear signage posted advising workers to not drink the water or use it for food preparation. Bacteriological water samples to be submitted.
     Corrective Actions Remaining: Removal of Boil Water Notice will be considered once UV treatment system is proven to be working effectively and two consecutive water samples, taken a minimum of 24 hours apart, are absent for total coliforms and E. coli.

Facility Inspection History:
Click on an inspection link below to see additional details

Document Type   Details
Sample Range Report  1-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2017
Routine Inspection  13-Oct-2017  Low
Sample Range Report  1-Jul-2017 to 30-Sep-2017
Sample Range Report  1-Apr-2017 to 30-Jun-2017
Sample Range Report  1-Jan-2017 to 31-Mar-2017
Follow-Up Inspection  9-May-2011  Low
Initial Inspection  16-Sep-2010  Low