Mountain View Assembly Pentacostal Water System

Facility Location:
2701 Viewmount Road S
Smithers, V0J 2N6

Facility Information:
Facility Type:  2-14 Connections
Current Hazard Rating:   High

This facility is currently under a Do Not Consume

     Underlying Problems: A boil water notice is in effect for the church building for the following reason: A water sample collected from the upstairs kitchen on the 26nd of August 2019 showed that the number of total coliform bacteria CFU/100mL was “too numerous to count”. The cause of the unsatisfactory result has not yet been confirmed. A do not consume notice is in effect for the residence on the water system for the following reason: The most recent chemistry analysis of the well water shows an elevated level of arsenic that exceeds the maximum acceptable concentration in the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. As boiling the water would concentrate the arsenic, a do not consume notice is now required for the residence. As the level of arsenic in the water only poses a risk if it is consumed for the long-term, a do not consume notice only needs to be in effect for the residence (and not the church).
     Steps Taken to Remedy: The operator was directed to issue a boil water notice for the church building. Signs will be posted above taps in the church to remind users to boil the water. The resident living on the system was notified that a do not consume notice was now in effect for the residence due to the elevated arsenic level in the water. The user was notified that signs should be posted above the taps in the residence to remind users that the water is not to be consumed. The operator has shock-chlorinated the well and cistern.
     Corrective Actions Remaining: The operator will need to propose treatment to remove the total coliform bacteria from the water supply to the church and residence. This is necessary, as an unacceptable number of water samples have contained coliform bacteria (coliforms have been detected in 19% of the samples collected since 2007 when routine sampling began). The operator will also need to propose treatment for the residence to reduce the elevated level of arsenic.

Facility Inspection History:
Click on an inspection link below to see additional details

Document Type   Details
Routine Inspection  10-Sep-2019  High
Routine Inspection  23-Oct-2018  Low
Follow-Up Inspection  9-Nov-2017  Low
Routine Inspection  31-Mar-2017  Low
Routine Inspection  9-Jun-2016  Low
Routine Inspection  9-Jun-2016  Low
Routine Inspection  14-Nov-2012  Low
Routine Inspection  16-Aug-2012  Low
Routine Inspection  13-Sep-2011  Low
Routine Inspection  25-Nov-2009  Low
Routine Inspection  27-Aug-2008  Low
Initial Inspection  27-Sep-2006  Moderate