Red Goat Lodge Water System

Facility Location:
km 403 Highway 37
Iskut, V0J 1K0

Facility Information:
Facility Type:  2-14 Connections
Current Hazard Rating:   Low

This facility is currently under a Boil Water Notice

     Underlying Problems: Minimal bacteriological and chemical and/or metal monitoring conducted for water system. Insufficient source information.
     Steps Taken to Remedy: Unknown. There has been no communication from the operator. Environmental Health Officer to issue an Order to Provide Public Notice and email operator as well informing them of their responsibilities.
     Corrective Actions Remaining: Recommended to shock/disinfect and flush the well. Submit two bacteriological water samples taken at least 24 hours apart showing absence of total coliforms and e.coli. Submit full chemical water analysis for well source.

Facility Inspection History:
Click on an inspection link below to see additional details

Document Type   Details
Routine Inspection  27-Sep-2020  Low
Routine Inspection  26-Jun-2019  Moderate
Sample Range Report  1-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2017
Sample Range Report  1-Jul-2017 to 30-Sep-2017
Sample Range Report  1-Jun-2002 to 29-Aug-2017
Routine Inspection  9-Jul-2017  Low
Sample Range Report  1-Apr-2017 to 30-Jun-2017
Routine Inspection  23-Aug-2016  Low
Follow-Up Inspection  11-Jun-2014  Low
Routine Inspection  15-May-2013  Moderate
Routine Inspection  6-Jul-2011  Low
Routine Inspection  24-Jun-2009  Low
Routine Inspection  17-Jul-2008  Low
Follow-Up Inspection  12-Sep-2006  Moderate
Follow-Up Inspection  17-Aug-2005  Low
Routine Inspection  18-May-2005  Moderate
Routine Inspection  29-Aug-2002  High
Routine Inspection  20-Sep-2000  Low