Crest Dining Room & Charley's Lounge - Inspection Report

Inspection Information:

Facility Type:Restaurant
Inspection type:Routine
Inspection date:September 07, 2021
Number of critical violations:2
Number of non-critical violations:  0
Follow-up Required:  Yes

This facility was given a moderate hazard rating.
More information on hazard ratings.

A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

Code Description
205Critical Repeat Cold potentially hazardous food stored/displayed above 4 °C. [s. 14(2)]
Observation: Refrigeration Temperature of cooler near handsink by grill was observed at 10°C. (Public Health Significance) Refrigeration temperatures for perishable foods must be less than 4°C to prevent the growth of disease causing bacteria and toxin production.
Corrective Action: Move potentially hazardous foods to working refrigeration units immediately--or discard the potentially hazardous foods in the defective cooler and have the unit serviced. Monitor and log temperatures regularly, adjust and have repaired as necessary to provide a temperature of 4° at all times.
205Critical Repeat Cold potentially hazardous food stored/displayed above 4 °C. [s. 14(2)]
Observation: (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION) Potentially hazardous cold foods are stored at above 4°C. Cream based sauces observed being stored in an ice bath underneath the heat lamp. Temperatures were observed at 23°C. (Public Health significance) - All potentially hazardous foods must be stored at below 4°C or above 60°C - out of the danger zone to prevent bacterial growth and possibly food borne illness
Corrective Action: Move potentially hazardous cold foods to working refrigeration units that maintain a temperature of 4°C or less, monitor and adjust the temperatures or have serviced, as required.
401Critical Adequate handwashing stations not available for employees [s. 21(4)]
Observation: (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION) Inadequate facilities provided for hand washing. Lobster tails and other seafood were observed being unthawed in the hand sink by prep station (Public Health Significance) Hand washing is an important practice to ensure food are protected from cross contamination from other previously handled foods or contact surfaces.
Corrective Action: Ensure the hand wash station is accessible at all times and used only as a hand wash station whenever food is being prepared. Soap and paper towel in dispensers and hot and cold running water must be provided to facilitate proper hand washing.