Surrey Adult / Child Residential Care Facilities

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Name Phone Number Manager
Fleetwood Place (604) 590-6860  Rebecca Valente
Guildford Seniors Village (604) 582-0808  Johanne Young
Harrison at Elim Village (604) 583-3546  Jennifer Ladesma
Hilton Villa Care Centre (604) 588-3424  Joann Paler
Holly Park House (604) 581-0606  Manroop Dhillon
Kimbelee Place (604) 585-4309  John Edwards
Kings House (604) 597-0783  Akshma Singh
Kinsmen Lodge (04) 588-0445  Nicki Bavis
Laurel Place Care Centre (604) 582-1135  Liezel Hippsley
Laurel Place Hospice (604) 930-6808  Martha Grypma
Morgan Place (604) 535-7328  Tracey Pawluk
New Greenwood Lodge (604) 585-2498  Leticia Davidson
Newton Place (604) 543-1408  Jeanne Fung
Ninety Fifth Avenue House (604) 589-3653  Laura Pedersen
One Hundred And Fifty Eight A Street (604) 581-5613  Roxane Padmore
One Hundred And Fifty Four Street Group Home (604) 541-1660  Cheryl Cotterill
One Hundred And Thirty First Street Home (604) 583-8791  Michelle Quinto
One Hundred & Forty Three A Street Home (604) 597-6952  Micheal Saran
Parklandview (604) 582-9915  Graeme Peters
Parktree House (604) 572-1062  Anna Tolmie
Path To Freedom Treatment Centre Ltd. (604) 576-6466  Hardev Randhawa
Peace Portal Seniors Village (604) 535-2273  Ashvin Samuel
Phoenix Center Quibble Creek (604) 583-7166  Mina Johal
Phoenix House (604) 583-7166  Stephen Finlay
Rainbow Manor (604) 583-3194  Marichu Rosario
Residence at Morgan Heights (604) 535-1118  Hilda Singh
Rosemary Heights Seniors Village (778) 545-5000  Bianca Goldberg
Sharondale Lodge (778) 571-9609  Abner B. Olit /Susan Olit
Stayte House (604) 538-8224  Kate O'Hare
Suncreek Village (604) 591-5177  Harveen Noni Magon

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