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Community Care Facilities Licensing

Hand in Hand - Godson Elementary
305 Group Child Care (School Age)
303 Preschool (30 months to school age)
33130 Bevan Ave
(604) 859-1843
V2S 1T6
Lynn van der Vlist

November 08, 2016
November 10, 2016
November 17, 2016
02:30 PM
04:39 PM
03:15 PM
04:24 PM
01:15 PM
02:17 PM


An unscheduled routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care & Assisted Living Act (CCALA), the Child Care Licensing Regulation (CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practice (DOLSP). Evidence for this report was based on the Licensing Officer’s observations, review of the facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of inspection.
The following areas were reviewed:
· Licensing
· Physical Facility
· Staffing
· Polices & Procedures
· Care & Supervision
· Hygiene and Communicable Disease Control
· Medication
· Nutrition and Food Services
· Program
· Records and Reporting

As part of the routine inspection a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy is provided. The Risk Assessment includes non-compliance identified during the routine inspection and a 3 year “historical” review of the facility’s compliance and operation.
Visit the CCFL website at for:
· Additional resources and
· Links to the Legislation (CCALA & CCLR)
If you have any questions regarding this report feel free to contact me at 604 870 6006 or

Previous Inspection - Contraventions observed on FIR #JCHE-A6AUZP have been corrected except for those noted on supplementary pages.
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
STAFFING: 12060 - CCLR s.19(1)(c) - A licensee must not employ a person in a community care facility unless the licensee or, in the case of a person who is not the manager, the manager has first met with the person and obtained all of the following: (c) a record of the person's work history.
Observation (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION): Licensing reviewed 1 staff persons file and it was found that the resume was missing.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that all staff documentation is present prior to employment.
Date to be Corrected:

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 13071 - CCLR s.56(2) - A licensee must ensure that the policies and procedures referred to in subsection (1) are implemented by employees.
Observation: Licensing observed the program over 2 days and it was identified that the policies on behavioral guidance are not be implemented by staff. This was observed by Licensing when there were multiple instances (more than 10) of children showing aggressive behaviours such as throwing preschool chairs, using profanities, throwing toys at each other, throwing the quiet tent, pushing, hitting, physically fighting and grabbing at each other. The staff did not implement the Facility Guidance and Discipline Policy or Centre Care Plan Policy; for example some of these policies include: setting limits, providing a safe and calm space for the child to calm down, utilizing the social contract or providing the child with the words to express themselves appropriately. The manager stated that due to the difficulties of managing the challenging behaviours that day, they were unable to follow the behaviours guidance policy.
Corrective Action(s): A licensee must ensure that any policy or procedure that is referred to in section 56(1) is implemented by employees
Date to be Corrected:

CARE AND/OR SUPERVISION: 14220 - CCLR s.51(1)(a) - A licensee must (a) ensure that behavioural guidance is appropriate to the age and development of the child who is receiving the guidance.
Observation: Upon Licensings arrival on 8 Nov 2016, it was noted that the staff were having difficulty in managing the behaviours observed in the program. There were multiple (more than 8) occasions where a child or children were exhibiting behaviours such as kicking, punching, hitting, grabbing, chasing throwing toys and chairs and exiting the portabe without supervision. These behaviours put all the children in care at risk of injury. In addition, the staff were not responding to the behaviours or profanities used by the children, at each other and at the staff. A staff stated that they were ignoring the behaviours, as it happened so often. The Manager stated that she was aware that they were not addressing many of the behaviours and stated that they just couldn't as there were so many that day. The Manager stated that she believed that they would benefit from more traiing and support. The Manager also stated that this was a particularly challenging day and not always this difficult to manage. The children were sent outside to play instead of being offered snack as the Manager stated that the room dynamic was unmanageable and the children needed to go outside and burn off energy.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that behavioural guidance is age and developmentally appropriate to the child receiving the guidance. Please provide a plan as to how this will be addressed.
Date to be Corrected:

CARE AND/OR SUPERVISION: 14240 - CCLR s.51(2)(a) - If the child has a care plan that includes instructions respecting behavioural guidance, the licensee must ensure that (a) any behavioural guidance given to the child is consistent with those instructions.
Observation: Licensing reviewed 4 care plans and it was observed that following multiple instances where the behavior strategies should have been implemented they were not followed. For example, where the care plans indicated that redirection was the strategy to be used after behaviours such as hitting, throwing, pushing and physical aggression the staff did not implement this strategy of a means to support the child. In many cases the staff ignored the behaviours and it continued over the course of time that Licensing was present.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that if a child has a care plan that includes instructions for behavioral guidance that any behavioral guidance given to the child is consistent with those instructions
Date to be Corrected:

PROGRAM: 18030 - CCLR s.44(1)(c) - A licensee must provide to children a comprehensive and coordinated program of indoor and outdoor activities that (c) complies with the program standards set out in Schedule G.
Observation: Licensing observed the program over 2 days, Nov 8 and Nov 10 and it was observed that the room set up is not age and developmentally appropriate to the children in care. The furniture is small for the majority of the ages, sizes and development of the children who were present. The toys that were available were suitable for preschool aged children, including farm animals, little people toys and small kitchen toys. This was evidenced by children throwing the preschool sized chairs across the room on at least 4 occasions. A children's tent was thrown 5 times almost knocking a lamp with an open faced bulb onto the ground, a staff quickly grabbed it on one occasion before it hit the ground. The classroom was clustered with furniture, there were chairs stacked up in a row between the shelf and tables, this made a large portion of the required playspace unusable. The shelving on the right side of the room was made inaccessible to the children by a sheet cover, blocking off the toys which were intended for the preschool earlier in the day. The environment was crowded and the children were not able to create space between them resulting in aggressive type behaviors, as indicated by kicking, punching, hitting, pushing, grabbing and the use of profanities. The children were sitting and standing on the snack/activity tables and were circling the room, often chasing and grabbing each other, not engaging in any type of play other than aggressive physical and verbal behaviours. The Manager stated that she was aware that the programming is a concern and that a review is necessary to meet the needs of the children.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that a program of activities is provided that encourages the social development of children, including providing an environment that fosters positive behaviours in children. Please review the programming and room set up and respond with a plan as to how the program will be adapted to better suit the ages and development of the children in care.
Date to be Corrected:


Licensing notes that the main entrance ramp is starting to show wear in spots underneath the running mat, this could be rot. The wooden ramp is starting to dip and feel soft in certain spots and it may need to be repaired/replaced in the near future. The Licensee stated that she was aware of this and would address the upcoming repairs with the school.

Resources provided today:
Live 5210
Your Checklist
Program of Activities

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into compliance, Provide a written response to LicensingFollow-up Inspection Required
Due Date
Dec 02, 2016
Approximate Follow Up Date

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