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Community Care Facilities Licensing

A & B Daycare
311 In-Home Multi-Age Child Care
6092 Selma Ave
(778) 995-2628
V5H 3R2
Hui-Ching Shih

July 14, 2020
10:05 AM
12:05 PM


A scheduled routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (CCALA), the Child Care Licensing Regulations (CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practice (DLSP). All areas of the facility were inspected for compliance.

Previous Inspection - Not Applicable
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11010 - CCLR s.13(1) - A licensee must ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of employees.
Observation: During the inspection the following was observed inside the facility:
-one plug cover was missing in the washroom
The following was observed in the outdoor play area:
-two adult bikes were located in the outdoor play area (this was corrected during the inspection)
-a loose water hose
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times.
Date to be Corrected: July 24, 2020

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11200 - CCLR s.17 - A licensee must ensure that children do not have access to any object or substance that may be hazardous to the health or safety of a child.
Observation: During the inspection the following was observed inside the facility:
-A window limiter was not applied to a window. The window is located on the second floor. The window was wide open and only a screen was attached. This was at the children's level. The serious falling risk to children was discussed with the Licensee. This was corrected during the inspection. This is a repeat contravention from inspection # CLAN-BJDQ9X
-A large screen tv was placed on a low table. This could present a falling hazard.
-Two long cords. This could present a potential strangulation hazard. This is a repeat contravention from inspection # CLAN-BJDQ9X
-plastic bags are located at the children's level

The following was observed outside the facility:
-The laundry room door just outside the back door was propped open. Bleach and other chemicals were within easy reach of the children. This is a repeat contravention from inspection # CLAN-BJDQ9X. This was corrected during the inspection.
-The gate to the stairs outside the back door was open.

The Licensee has stated that she does not use the back door to access the outdoor play area. But, this door is the emergency exit to the facility.

The following was observed in the outdoor play area:

-An open bag of lump charcoal. This could be a potential poisoning hazard.
-Rust on the pipe on the gas meter was exposed. This could cause a potential health hazard.

Corrective Action(s): Please ensure children do not have access to any objects or substances that are hazardous to their health and safety.
Date to be Corrected: July 16, 2020

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11360 - DLSOP Safe Play Space (ground surfacing [b1]) - [bullet 1] Equipment must not be installed over concrete, asphalt or other hard surfaces.
Observation: Licensing observed two climbing equipment structures in the outdoor play area. These were placed next to a concrete surface. This was corrected during the inspection.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that climbing equipment is not placed next to a concrete surface. Please ensure a six feet clearance is left around equipment.
Date to be Corrected: July 14, 2020

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19080 - CCLR s.57(2)(b) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (b) date of enrolment in the community care facility.
Observation: Four children's records out of four were reviewed. Two children's records are missing a date of enrollment.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure children's records are complete.
Date to be Corrected: July 24, 2020

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19100 - CCLR s.57(2)(d) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (d) name and telephone number of a parent, medical practitioner and emergency contact.
Observation: Four children's records of four were reviewed. One children's record had no other emergency contact than the parents.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure the children's records have another emergency contact other than the parents.
Date to be Corrected: July 31, 2020


At the inspection dated July 14, 2020 there were 4 children, 1 family member and the Licensee was present. At this inspection the above noted contraventions were identified. Please send a written response to Licensing addressing how you have corrected the above noted contraventions by July 31, 2020. As part of this Routine Inspection a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy was sent to the Licensee.

The following was reviewed/discussed with the Licensee:

· Information sent out to the Licensee regarding the following: sanitization/disinfection, social distancing, hand washing and health and wellness policy.
· The coronavirus COVID-19 public health guidance for child care settings
· Creating and posting a COVID-19 policy, as a requirement of The Centre for Disease Control and Worksafe BC
· Items with a drug identification number (DIN) or a natural product number (NPN) require a medication authorization signed by a parent or guardian to apply. Some items include diaper cream and sunscreen
· A refrigerator must be between 0-4 Degrees Celsius to ensure food is stored safely
· Providing a variety of activities as outlined in Schedule G

The following resource was given to the Licensee:

· Resource Package for Child Care facilities COVID-19 prevention

The inspection findings were reviewed with the Licensee at the inspection. The inspection report and the risk assessment were completed at the Burnaby Health Protection office. The report was written in .5 hours and this is included in the report. A copy of these documents were sent to the Licensee.

If you have any questions regarding this report please contact me.

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into compliance, Provide a written response to LicensingNo action required
Due Date
Jul 31, 2020

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