Unlicensed - Michelle Ann Squelch - Complaint Information
General Details
Facility TypeUnlicensed Child Care - 900
Investigation CompletedMarch 30, 2021
Reason for Investigation - Licensing
Report of Findings
CCFL received information that the care being provided at this address may require a Community Care Facility Licence.

Licensing officers attended the premise on February 23, 2021 and were denied entrance to inspect the premise. The following informaiton was exchanged:
- Caregiver said she was providing care to 3 children the previous week until she recieved a call from Child Care Subsidy asking her to stop.
- Caregiver produced contact names and numbers for the parents of the children in care from the past week. This included the name for 2 siblings and 1 other child.
- CCFL Brochure: Caring for More Than Two Children Requires a Community Care Facility Licence was provided to the caregiver.
- At this time, caregiver said she was no longer providing care to 3 children.

Licensing officers attended the facility on March 4th, 2021, and found 3 children attending the daycare. One child was veriifed to be the child of the cargiver. Through observation and interview with the caregiver, a 4th child in care was identified (but was not in attendance on this day). This child was identified as the nephew of the caregiver but this informaion was later identified by the caregiver as false.

Through interview with the caregiver and 2 of the 4 parents, it was determined that the careprovider provided care to 3 children at a time up until February 24, 2021, that were not related by blood or marraige.
Licensing determined that Michelle Ann Squelch was operating an unlicensed facility in contravention of the Community Care & Assisted Living Act (CCALA).

The following contravention was cited:
- Community Care Assisted Living Act section 5(a) Operating or advertising without a licence

The operator is required to immediately reduce the number of children in care and provide written confirmation of compliance. CCFL notified families of the children in care.

A follow up inspection was completed by CCFL on March 30, 2021 which confirmed compliance.
Substantiated Contraventions: Evidence for this summary report is based on a combination of the Licensing Officer’s observations, a review of facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of the investigation.
Observed Violations/Contraventions: A summary of the violations found during the complaint investigation are listed below.
Code Category/Description
50010 - CCALA s.5(a)A person who does not hold a licence must not (a) operate, or hold themselves out as operating, a community care facility.
Observation: Through interviews and observations, it was found that this person was providing care for 3 children without a facility license.
Corrective action: Careprovider has been instructed to reduce to no more than 2 children in care unrelated by blood or marriage.
Actions Required by Licensee/Operator
- Operator to immediately reduce number of children or persons receiving care to 1 or 2 who are not related by blood or marriage to the person.
- Operator to submit written confirmation to Licensing Office that they have reduced the number of children or persons receiving care to 1 or 2 who are not related by blood or marriage to the person.
Action Required by Licensing Officer or Medical Health Officer
- Notify families of children or persons receiving care of contravention.