Eco Kids Care Inc. - Complaint Information
General Details
Facility TypeChild Care - 300
Investigation CompletedJune 23, 2021
Reason for Investigation - Licensing
- Physical facility, equipment & furnishings
- Staffing
- Care and supervision
- Hygiene & communicable disease control
Report of Findings
On April 27th, 2021, Licensing received a concern regarding Licensing. The complainant provided the following details:

Care and Supervision
- Complainant observed bruising on a child on April 28th, 2021.
- Children permitted to play in an unlicensed part of the building. Doors are not locked and children can enter other spaces.
- Staff have not been changing/wiping children properly.
- Staff 1 is unable to manage 8 children on their own.

Health and hygiene
- Staff wash the children's water bottles only on Fridays

All areas of the complaint were fully investigated. Evidence was obtained through interviews, records, and observations.
Licensing determined the following contraventions:
- Community Care and Assisted Living Act (CCALA)
Standards to be maintained 7(1)(b)(i)

- Child Care Licensing Regulations (CCLR)
13(1) Health and Hygiene
56(1)(f) Community Care Facility Records and Policies
58(2)(a) Care Plans
Substantiated Contraventions: Evidence for this summary report is based on a combination of the Licensing Officer’s observations, a review of facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of the investigation.
Observed Violations/Contraventions: A summary of the violations found during the complaint investigation are listed below.
Code Category/Description
11010 - CCLR s.13(1)A licensee must ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of employees.
Observation: Licensing determined that water bottles were not cleaned regularly.
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
19050 - CCLR s.56(1)(f)A licensee must keep current records of each of the following: (f) a log of minor accidents, illnesses and unexpected events involving children, that did not require medical attention and were not reportable incidents described in Schedule H.
Observation: Licensing determined a log of minor incidents was not being kept.
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
19250 - CCLR s.58(2)(a)The licensee must (a) develop the care plan in consultation with a parent of the child requiring extra support and any person requested by the parent.
Observation: Licensing determined a care plan was not developed in consultation with parents.
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
50050 - CCALA s.7(1)(b)(i)A licensee must do all of the following: (b) operate the community care facility in a manner that will promote (i) the health, safety and dignity of persons in care.
Observation: Licensing determined that the community care facility did not always promote the health and safety of children in care.
Corrective action: Corrective action required.
Actions Required by Licensee/Operator
- Licensee has addressed some contraventions. Corrective action plan required to be submitted.
Action Required by Licensing Officer or Medical Health Officer
- Review and monitor corrective action plan > Follow up inspection required.