Fraser Health Authority

Health Protection
Beach Grove Golf Club - Grill
Tel: (604) 943-1155
Fax: (604) 943-6619
5946 12th Ave
Delta, BC V4L 1C7
February 23, 2023
2 hours
OPERATOR (Person in Charge)
Christopher Hugill
2 Months
Information Provided
Require Corrections
In Use
Food Safety Training [s. 10]
Food Safety Plan [s. 23]
Sanitation Plan [s. 24]
HAZARD RATING FOR YOUR FACILITY: Moderate (16-29) Total Score = 23
Critical Hazards: Total Number: 1
205 - Cold potentially hazardous food stored/displayed above 4 °C. [s. 14(2)]
Observation (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION): Large volume of soup is being stored at room temperature (on ice however most of food is not temperature controlled and food temperature is above 40F (about 45F) for unknown length of time). Rice stored at room temperature is at 35C for unknown length of time (either lack of quick cooling or improper hot holding). Prep cooler upper inserts below toaster (guacamole, sauces) food temperature about 10C/50F. Batter stored at room temperature.
Corrective Action(s): Cold potentially hazardous foods are to be stored cold (4C/40F or colder). Soup, rice, and guacamole discarded during inspection. Discard sauces and any potentially hazardous foods that have been >4C/40F for >2 hours. Time track food. Bring out food in inserts in small volumes to be used quickly. Keep fish batter in fridge or on ice.
Violation Score: 15

Non-Critical Hazards: Total Number: 4
209 - Food not protected from contamination [s. 12(a)]
Observation: Some raw food (raw fish) store next to produce in prep cooler. Walk in cooler - some cooked food near raw food. Food is covered and in leak proof containers (good).
Corrective Action(s): No evidence of contamination but re-organize coolers to keep raw food separate (and beneath) ready to eat food. Keep seafood separate from other food (re allergies).
Violation Score: 3

212 - Operator has not provided acceptable written food handling procedures [s. 23]
Observation: Salmon on menu - requires food safety plan.
Corrective Action(s): Provide food safety plan for salmon poke.
Violation Score: 1

309 - Chemicals, cleansers, & similar agents stored or labeled improperly [s. 27]
Observation: Two spray bottles not labelled.
Corrective Action(s): Label spray bottles to accurately show contents.
Violation Score: 3

314 - Operator has not provided acceptable written sanitation procedures [s. 24]
Observation: More frequent cleaning in hard to reach areas required.
Corrective Action(s): Update your sanitation plan to include a written routine cleaning schedule.
Violation Score: 1

Follow Up to "Critical" Violations Noted on Previous Inspections (if applicable): No corrections entered

Routine check. Kitchen serves restaurant/bar, banquet facility, and some food for bistro.
Coolers (2 large walk in coolers, 2 prep coolers, drawer coolers, server cooler, bar cooler) - are at 4C/ 40F or colder - good.
Upper inserts of prep cooler under toaster - see above.
Soup storage on cook line - see above.
Batter - see above.
Rice storage - see above.
Thawing of frozen food in prep sink - prawns still frozen (you can use cold water changed every 30 minutes).
Thawing of meat in package (roast) - mostly defrosted - store in walk in. *** Defrost in cooler or cold water and change water every 30 minutes.
No hot holding during inspection.
Cooking - ribs are being slow cooked (fully cook to 74C/165F) in smoker. No cold smoking. No sous vide.
Chef advises that hot soups and sauces are cooled rapidly using a cold water bath and ice wand in prep sink - good.
Chefs have digital probe thermometers. Sanitize before every use.
Refrigerators - 2 thermometers may not be accurate - check accuracy.
Temperature records are being kept for coolers - good.
Keep temperature records for cooked food and hot held food.
Liquid pasteurized egg - available for some menu items as discussed - good.
No raw oysters on menu. Contact Fraser Health if adding raw oysters to menu or for special menu.
Fresh shellfish (ie mussels) - keeping shellfish tags for 90 days minimum.
Hollandais - not on menu.
Salmon poke - provide food safety plan to Fraser Health for review - see above.
Food storage in coolers - see above.
Staff state they have Food Safe certification. Operator/Manager to have a valid Food Safe Level 1 certificate (or equivalent course) and at least one person per shift if operator/manager is away.
Note: Food Safe certificates can be renewed by taking Food Safe Refresher course before certificate expires ( referesher).
***Food safety plans - keep on site for review and training.
Hand washing - 3 hand sinks in main kitchen all have hot/cold water, liquid soap, and paper towels in dispensers.
Quats sanitizer in spray bottle 200ppm - good (200ppm required as per label).
Label spray bottles - see above.
Main kitchen commercial dishwasher - has a final sanitizing rinse of >82C/180F on the final rinse water temperature gauge and >71C/160F measured inside of the machine - good.
Bar/lounge glassware washer has a final sanitizing rinse of 12.5ppm iodine.
Banquet room bar - glassware washer not set up or in use - not checked at this time.
General cleaning is ok - Clean under equipment and in hard to reach areas - see above.
Pest control - no obvious signs of pests. Pest control contract in place. Discussed monitoring traps.
Copy of report to be emailed to Kitchen Manager.