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Community Care Facilities Licensing

Toor's Daycare Center
310 Multi-Age Child Care
31406 Springhill Ct
(604) 557-7878
V2T 4J9
Surinder Toor

June 07, 2023
11:00 AM
01:15 PM


An unscheduled routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act(CCALA) and the Child Care Licensing Regulations(CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of practice (DoLSoP).

Previous Inspection -
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11010 - CCLR s.13(1) - A licensee must ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of employees.
Observation: Licensing observed:
-3 storage units and one large chalkboard located in the outdoor play area were not securred.
-A diaper was located on top of one of the outdoor shelving units. When asked, the staff working said this was here at her arrival.
-A ladder and a hose were located accessible to children while playing in the outdoor play area.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of the employees.
Date to be Corrected: June 9, 2023.

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11020 - CCLR s.13(2) - A licensee must ensure that the community care facility and the furniture, equipment and fixtures within it are clean and in good repair while children are in attendance.
Observation: Licensing observed:
The bathroom vanity had one broken wood piece and it was stored next to the toilet. When water was running through the sink, licensing could see water dripping under the sink into a bucket.
-The designated nap room had storage items in addition to nap cots, including a suitcase, a garbage bag with items, and some stools. One playpen located in the nap room appeared to have a broke arm, and was not engaged. Children's bedding was located in the playpen.
-There was no system in place to document regular outdoor checks.

Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that the community care facility and the furniture and fixtures within it are clean and in good repair while children are in attendance.
Date to be Corrected: June 14, 2023

STAFFING: 12430 - CCLR s.56(1)(b) - A licensee must keep current records of each of the following: (b) for each employee, the records required under section 19 (1) [character and skill requirements].
Observation: Licensee reviewed 5 employee records, of those; one staff file was missing record of immunization, and one staff was missing record of certification, or educational records.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure to keep current records for each employee all required records under section 19 (1).
Date to be Corrected: June 14, 2023

CARE AND/OR SUPERVISION: 14030 - CCLR s.34(2)(b) - Without limiting subsection (1), a licensee must ensure that (b) the ratio of employees to children attending a community care facility is no less than that permitted in Schedule E.
Observation: One staff who had provided record of ECE certificate from another province, was working alone with two children at licensing's arrival and throughout the inspection. The staff communicated that they had application for ECEA to the ECE registry and was awaiting the certification for ECEA. The licensee called during the inspection and informed licensing that due to a personal emergency they had asked this staff person to work in her place. Licensing provided education about staff to child ratios, and spoke about the option to apply for an exemption, and communicating with licensing when they are struggling to staff the facility in an urgent situation. Licensee said they will return to ratio later in the afternoon.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that the ratio of employees to children attending the community care facility is no less than permitted in Schedule E.
Date to be Corrected: June 7, 2023

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19090 - CCLR s.57(2)(c) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (c) daily attendance record, indicating for each day whether the child is absent or, if the child is present, the time of arrival and departure.
Observation: Children's attendance records were reviewed and some days did not include time out, or absence for some children.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure to keep record showing daily attendance each day whether the child is absent or if the child is present, the time of arrival and departure.
Date to be Corrected: June 8, 2023 and ongoing

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19320 - CCLR s.59(a) - In respect of a record referred to in this Division, a licensee must (a) keep in a single place at the community care facility the records referred to in sections 56 to 58.
Observation: Licensing reviewed the records for 4 children, however one child who has been in attendance at the facility was not available for review. In addition, the minor incident book was unavailable for review, as the staff working in the facility was unable to locate them. Licensing will return for a follow up inspection to review the unavailable records on another date.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure to keep in a single place at the facility the records referred to in section 56 to 58.
Date to be Corrected: June 8, 2023


Summary of Inspection:
· During today’s inspection, there were 2 children, 1 staff present.
· At this inspection, the above noted contraventions were identified. Licensee is required to submit a corrective action plan to address the contraventions.

The following was discussed:
· Having records available and accessible for review during inspection
· Outdoor checklist for ensuring regularly checking for safety concerns.
· Having a system for ensuring the emergency evacuation kits are replenished or restocked regularly.

Resources given today:
· Reportable Incident forms
· Bulletin: Repayment agreeements
· Bulletin: Infant sleeping

Visit the CCFL website at
for additional resources, and links to the Legislation (CCALA and CCLR).

Further websites:
BCCDC for Communicable prevention information:

Guiding children’s behaviours:

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into compliance, Provide a written response to LicensingNo action required
Due Date
Jun 14, 2023

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