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Community Care Facilities Licensing

Wonderworld Montessori Academy-Metrotown
301 Group Child Care (under 36 months)
302 Group Child Care (30 months to school age)
6390 Silver Ave
(604) 612-7708
V5H 0E1
Cristina Abasolo

July 13, 2023
10:30 AM
01:00 PM


An unscheduled routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (CCALA), the Child Care Licensing Regulations (CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practice (DLSP). All areas of the facility were inspected for compliance.

Previous Inspection - Not Applicable
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11010 - CCLR s.13(1) - A licensee must ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of employees.
Observation: During the inspection Licensing observed the following inside the facility:
-Blind cords were not secured in two rooms. Please correct this by July 13, 2023
-Several sleep cots were stacked on top of a cabinet. On top of the cots were several items. This could cause a potential hazard.

During the inspection Licensing observed the following outside the facility:
-Sharp edges were observed in the metal trim and fencing in the outdoor play area
-A climber was observed close to a fixed climbing structure. This was corrected during the inspection.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure a healthy and safe environment is provided to the children at all times.
Date to be Corrected: July 17, 2023

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11020 - CCLR s.13(2) - A licensee must ensure that the community care facility and the furniture, equipment and fixtures within it are clean and in good repair while children are in attendance.
Observation: Licensing observed several carpets in the rooms with stains and debris. In discussion with the Manager she stated the carpets are vacuumed regularly and steam cleaned every 3 months. This is a repeat contravention from inspection #CLAN-CF5QXZ
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure the facility and equipment and furnishings are clean.
Date to be Corrected: July 27, 2023

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11060 - CCLR s.14(2) - A licensee must have one toilet and wash basin for every 10 children or fewer.
Observation: During the inspection the washrooms were observed. In one washroom stall a door to one of the toilets was locked and items were stored on and beside the toilet. In another washroom stall buckets and mops were stored and the stall door was closed.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that all of the toilets that the facility is licensed for are accessible to the children in care.
Date to be Corrected: July 17, 2023

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11090 - CCLR s.15(1)(b) - A licensee must supply equipment, furniture and supplies that are (b) located so as not to block or hamper an exit in the case of fire or other emergency.
Observation: Licensing observed three plants partially blocking the emergency exit.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that the emergency exit is not blocked or partially blocked to ensure a safe exit in an emergency
Date to be Corrected: July 13, 2023

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11200 - CCLR s.17 - A licensee must ensure that children do not have access to any object or substance that may be hazardous to the health or safety of a child.
Observation: Licensing observed the following:
-An open fish tank with a chair propped next to it. This could cause a potential hazard.
-A chair was propped up to the counter and bottles with bleach and water were within reach
-The door to the kitchen was easy to open. Chemicals were observed under the sink
-A staff bag was accessible. This was corrected during the inspection
-Several cupboards had keys placed in them. One cupboard was accessible and contained staff bags. This was corrected during the inspection.
-A bag with strings was observed under a sleep cot in the nap room.
-Hand sanitizer and cream was within reach in a child's cubby.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure the children do not have access to any object or substance that may be hazardous to their health and safety.
Date to be Corrected: July 13, 2023

MEDICATION: 16020 - CCLR s.53(1)(b) - If a licensee has agreed with a parent to give a child any medication prescribed by a medical practitioner or provided by the parent, the licensee and his or her employees must ensure that the medication is (b) readily accessible to employees.
Observation: A care plan was observed in the facility. Licensing requested to see where the medication was stored. The medication was not present in the facility.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure medication required for a child in an emergency is located in the facility and accessible to employees.
Date to be Corrected: July 14, 2023

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19260 - CCLR s.58(2)(b) - The licensee must (b) review the care plan at least once each year with a parent of the child requiring extra support and any person requested by the parent.
Observation: Several care plans were not reviewed annually with the parent or any person requested to by the parent.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that children's care plans are reviewed annually and that this is documented.
Date to be Corrected: July 21, 2023


At the inspection dated July 13, 2023 there were 109 children, 25 staff and the Manager was present. At this inspection the above noted contraventions were identified. Please correct the above noted contraventions by July 21, 2023, unless otherwise specified in this report. As part of this Routine Inspection a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy was provided to the Manager.

The following was discussed with the Manager:
· Reportable Incidents
· Lead in the Water
· Active Supervision
· Expired medication

This report was reviewed with the Manager during the inspection. A copy of these documents were sent to the Manager. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact me.

Visit the CCFL website at for additional resources, and links to the Legislation (CCALA and CCLR).

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into complianceNo action required
Due Date
Jul 21, 2023

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