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Community Care Facilities Licensing

A & C Family Daycare
304 Family Child Care
5382 Irving St
(604) 438-0537
V5E 1T9
Qiu Hong Yang

June 17, 2019
10:15 AM
01:00 PM


An unannounced routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act, Child Care Licensing Regulationand the applicable Director of Licensing Standards of Practice. All areas of the facility were inspected for compliance. With the consent of the Licensee the Licensing Officer inspected all levels of the house including areas not designated for child care.

Previous Inspection - Not Applicable
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11010 - CCLR s.13(1) - A licensee must ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of employees.
Observation (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION): The Licensing Officer viewed 5 children's lunch bags and noted that in 3 of them there were perishables (meat and rice, yogurt) and no means to keep the food cold such as an ice pack.
Corrective Action(s): To prevent children from getting sick by consuming food that is improperly stored ensure all perishables are stored in the fridge or there is an ice pack in the child's lunch bag. The Licensee moved all perishable foods into the fridge during today's inspection.
Date to be Corrected: 17 June 2019

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11020 - CCLR s.13(2) - A licensee must ensure that the community care facility and the furniture, equipment and fixtures within it are clean and in good repair while children are in attendance.
Observation: The Licensing Officer noted the washroom is in need of repair or replacement. The sink is beginning to show signs of rust, the floor tiles are chipped and exposing the secondary floor underneath, the toilet is stained with rust.

The floor is no longer cleanable as the surface is no longer seamless trapping dirt and debris. The sink and toilet are showing signs of wear and pose a safety hazard to the children due to rust.

Corrective Action(s): The Licensee must provide the writer with a written action plan as to when and how these items will be addressed. The plan will be required by June 21, 2019 and the work must be completed by September 3, 2019.
Date to be Corrected: 3 September 2019

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11180 - CCLR s.16(4)(a) - A licensee must ensure that all indoor and outdoor play materials and equipment accessible to children are (a) suitable for the age and development of the children.
Observation: Upon arrival to the facility the Licensing Officer observed 2 children eating snack in high chairs and other children sitting on chairs at a table. In discussion with the Licensee the children in the high chairs are both 34 months old. High chairs are intended for children up to 18 months of age. The Licensee stated that the children make a mess when eating and it is easier to clean up if the children eat in a high chair. The Licensing Officer explained to the Licensee the importance of having children sit in a chair and at a table. Children will be messy when eating as they develop and enhance their self help skills.

The Licensee currently does not have sufficient number of chairs and tables for the number of children enrolled or their maximum capacity.

Corrective Action(s): Ensure children over the age of 18 months are no longer using a high chair unless the child has a individualized care plan. The Licensee will need to purchase additional chairs and tables to meet the needs of all the children in care.

Date to be Corrected: 24 June 2019

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11190 - CCLR s.16(4)(b) - A licensee must ensure that all indoor and outdoor play materials and equipment accessible to children are (b) safely constructed, free from hazards and in good repair.
Observation: The Licensee has a large back yard for the children to use. There is an area with a swing set, plastic climber and slide - all of which are on located on resilient ground cover (pea gravel). During today's inspection the Licensee reported the children were outside playing early this morning due to the warmer temperatures. When the Licensing Officer inspected the outdoor play area there was a plastic slide with the bed of the slide ending outside of the resilient ground cover. Resilient ground cover is in place to lessen an injury to a child should the child fall.
Corrective Action(s): Relocate the bed of the slide so the entire piece of equipment is located on the resilient ground cover.
Date to be Corrected: 17 June 2019

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11220 - CCLR s.23(2) - A licensee must have first aid kits that are readily accessible to all employees, including while care is provided off the community care facility premises.
Observation: The Licensee indicated that they do not leave the premises with the children. Upon review of the facility's first aid kit the Licensing Officer noted that the supplies were low and missing some items.

Corrective Action(s): The Licensing Officer left for the Licensee a list of items to be included in their first aid kit. The Licensee may acquire the missing items individually.

Date to be Corrected: 24 June 2019

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 13071 - CCLR s.56(2) - A licensee must ensure that the policies and procedures referred to in subsection (1) are implemented by employees.
Observation: The Licensing Officer reviewed the facility's parent handbook. Upon review of the document the Licensing Officer noted that the facility's name said Bear House in some areas and A & C in other areas. The documentation was missing the active play and screen use policy.

In discussion with the Licensee the facility was previously operated under the name of Bear House and the documentation has not reflected the change of ownership. The Licensing Officer provide the Licensee with information about the required policies and procedures to use as a guide to ensure all required policies have been developed and families have received copies. The Licensing Officer also provided the Licensee with a copy of the Director of Licensing Standards of Practice - Active Play to assist them in developing their active play and screen use policy as the Licensee does not have a policy to address these topics.

Corrective Action(s): The Licensee will need to review their existing document and update the name of the facility and required policies. Once the policies have been complete please email the Licensing Officer with a copy for their review. The Licensee will also need to ensure all families have copies of the facility's policies.

Date to be Corrected: 02 July 2019

PROGRAM: 18030 - CCLR s.44(1)(c) - A licensee must provide to children a comprehensive and coordinated program of indoor and outdoor activities that (c) complies with the program standards set out in Schedule G.
Observation: The Licensing Officer observed children colouring individual sheets copied from a colouring book. In discussion with the Licensee they indicated that they do have paint and playdough, scissors and glue for the children but they are not readily accessible to the children.

At the present time there is limited amount of equipment and toys for children ages 4 years and up. There was a wide assortment of equipment for children under the age of 2 years.

Corrective Action(s): Ensure the equipment available on a daily basis for children reflects the ages and development level of the children enrolled. This may entail rotating equipment or the purchase of additional equipment.

Date to be Corrected: 24 June 2019

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19080 - CCLR s.57(2)(b) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (b) date of enrolment in the community care facility.
Observation: The Licensing Officer reviewed 6 children's files (total number of children enrolled) and noted one file was missing the start date.

Corrective Action(s): Ensure all information is contained in a child's file.

Date to be Corrected: 24 June 2019

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19090 - CCLR s.57(2)(c) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (c) daily attendance record, indicating for each day whether the child is absent or, if the child is present, the time of arrival and departure.
Observation: There were 5 children in care and only 3 children were signed in. The Licensee is presently using a separate sign in and out sheet for each child. The Licensing Officer request the Licensee amend this practice effective June 18, 2019 to a system where all of the children use one sign in and out sheet on a daily basis. This system it to allow a quick check of who is in attendance as individual sheets can be misplaced. Emergency personnel will also ask to view this document as needed.

Corrective Action(s): Ensure all children are signed in upon arrival. This information will be needed in case of an emergency to aid emergency personnel. The Licensee presently is using a separate sign in and out sheet for each
Date to be Corrected: 18 June 2019


At the inspection dated, June 17, 2019 there were 5 children and 1 staff present. At this inspection the above noted violations were identified and the actions required by the Licensee are also included. As part of this routine inspection a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy is provided.

Education and recommendations:
continuous active supervision
notification of reportable incidents
lead in drinking water
mandatory inspections to assess applications for exemptions, temporary placement or retention
promotion of active play.

Resources provided:
Fraser Health Community Care Facilities Licensing (CCFL) Child Safety Alert
Fraser Health CCFL Child Care Bulletin: Incident Reporting in Child Care Facilities
Fraser Health CCFL Child Care Bulletin: Getting Ready for Summer, Planning for the Heat
BC Government Fact Sheet: Lead in Drinking Water
Fraser Health First Aid Kit Supplies
Director of Licensing Standards of Practice - Active Play.

The Licensee has two children of their own under the age of 12 years. The Licensee reported to the Licensing Officer that their children are enrolled in other child care facilities and are gone from the house by 7:30am and return after 6pm therefore the Licensee does not include their children in the overall capacity. NOTE: should the Licensee's children be on site (either upper level or lower level of the home) during child care hours the children must be included in the maximum capacity which is 7. Child care is provided between 8am and 6pm.

The Licensing Officer inspected the cubbies located by the entrance door. The Licensing Officer noted two lunch kits in the cubbies in addition to the 5 lunch kits stored by the fridge. In response to whose lunch kits were in the cubbies the Licensee said they were for their own consumption. The Licensee stated that there were only 6 children in care and not all of the children attended on a daily basis.

This report was reviewed with the Licensee prior to signing. The writer would like to thank the Licensee for their assistance and time with today's inspection. If there are any questions regarding this report or any other licensing matter please contact the writer, a business card was left with this report.

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into complianceNo action required

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