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Community Care Facilities Licensing

Archer Daycare
301 Group Child Care (under 36 months)
310 Archer St
(604) 525-6186
New Westminster
V3L 4E2
Cen Chen (Cici)

August 11, 2022
03:15 PM
04:30 PM


All care categories were inspected during an unscheduled routine inspection to assess compliance w/:
• the Community Care & Assisted Living Act
• the Child Care Licensing Regulation
• relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practices

Previous Inspection -
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11010 - CCLR s.13(1) - A licensee must ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of employees.
Observation: 1) (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION) 5 stacked potties were accessible to children, between the bathroom & the kitchen.
2) The sandbox was uncovered.
Corrective Action(s): The sandbox must be covered when not in use, to prevent animals, pests, & water. The licensee explained that she would purchase a new tarp.
Date to be Corrected: 15/Aug/2022

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11020 - CCLR s.13(2) - A licensee must ensure that the community care facility and the furniture, equipment and fixtures within it are clean and in good repair while children are in attendance.
Observation: Outdoor play space (OPS) inspections, maintenance, & repairs were not kept.
Corrective Action(s): A log of all OPS inspections (daily/monthly/annually), maintenance, & repairs must be kept.
Date to be Corrected: 15/Aug/2022

STAFFING: 12050 - CCLR s.19(1)(b) - A licensee must not employ a person in a community care facility unless the licensee or, in the case of a person who is not the manager, the manager has first met with the person and obtained all of the following: (b) character references in respect of the person.
Observation: An employee lacked ≥ 2 character references.
Corrective Action(s): All requirements of CCLR s. 19(1) must be obtained by employees' 1st day of employment.
Date to be Corrected: 15/Aug/2022

STAFFING: 12160 - CCLR s.20(1) - The licensee must not permit a person over the age of 12 to be ordinarily present on the premises of a community care facility while children are present, unless the person is of good character and the licensee has obtained a criminal record check for that person.
Observation: An ordinarily present individual's CRC has expired.
Corrective Action(s): Valid CRCs are required for ordinarily present individuals. In the meantime, this individual cannot be onsite during operational hours.
Date to be Corrected: 18/Aug/2022

STAFFING: 12200 - CCLR s.22(2)(c) - A licensee must ensure that each employee (c) practices implementing the emergency plan at least once each year.
Observation: The last emergency plan was practiced in Jul/2022.
Corrective Action(s): The emergency plan must be practiced annually.
Date to be Corrected: 18/Aug/2022

STAFFING: 12430 - CCLR s.56(1)(b) - A licensee must keep current records of each of the following: (b) for each employee, the records required under section 19 (1) [character and skill requirements].
Observation: 3 employees' CRCs have expired.
Corrective Action(s): Current CRCs must be kept for each employee. The licensee explained that she was still awaiting new CRCs from her applications from 2 months ago. In the meantime, these employees cannot work alone w/ children or assist w/ toileting/diapering.
Date to be Corrected: 18/Aug/2022

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 13020 - CCLR s.22(1)(b) - A licensee must: (b) have an emergency plan that sets out procedures to prepare for, mitigate, respond to and recover from any emergency.
Observation: The fire extinguisher required servicing by 18/Sep/2021.
Corrective Action(s): The fire extinguisher must be serviced annually. The licensee explained that it was serviced in Sep/2021, but was unable to provide evidence of this.
Date to be Corrected: 25/Aug/2022

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19070 - CCLR s.57(2)(a) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (a) name, sex, date of birth, medical insurance plan number and immunization status.
Observation: 3 children's immunization statuses were unavailable.
Corrective Action(s): All requirements of CCLR s. 57(2) must be obtained by children's 1st day of care.
Date to be Corrected: 15/Aug/2022

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19080 - CCLR s.57(2)(b) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (b) date of enrolment in the community care facility.
Observation (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION): 2 children's start dates were incomplete or incorrect.
Corrective Action(s):
Date to be Corrected:

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19090 - CCLR s.57(2)(c) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (c) daily attendance record, indicating for each day whether the child is absent or, if the child is present, the time of arrival and departure.
Observation (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION): A child was not signed out immediately upon departure.
Corrective Action(s):
Date to be Corrected:

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19100 - CCLR s.57(2)(d) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (d) name and telephone number of a parent, medical practitioner and emergency contact.
Observation: A child's medical practitioner's contact information was unavailable.
Corrective Action(s): All requirements of CCLR s. 57(2) must be obtained by children's 1st day of care.
Date to be Corrected: 15/Aug/2022

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19180 - CCLR s.57(2)(k) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (k) the date on which the child stops attending the community care facility.
Observation (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION): A former child's end-of-care date was undocumented.
Corrective Action(s):
Date to be Corrected:

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19320 - CCLR s.59(a) - In respect of a record referred to in this Division, a licensee must (a) keep in a single place at the community care facility the records referred to in sections 56 to 58.
Observation: The licensee's CRC, immunization status, ≥ 3 references, certificate validation, & work history were unavailable.
Corrective Action(s): The licensee's documentation must be kept onsite. The licensee explained that her documentation was @ 1 of her other facilities.
Date to be Corrected: 15/Aug/2022


13 violations were observed, in which 3 violations were corrected today & corrective action for the remaining 10 violations includes:
• covering the sandbox
• documenting OPS inspections/maintenance/repairs
• obtaining employee documentation
• obtaining servicing for the fire extinguisher
• practicing the annual emergency drill
• obtaining children documentation

The inspection was reviewed w/ the licensee; however, this report & the risk assessment were completed offsite & emailed to the licensee.

Websites of interest:
• Appetite to Play:
• COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Child Care Settings:
• Criminal Records Review Program:
• HealthLinkBC Files:
• Resources for licensees/managers:
• Sneezes & Diseases:

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into compliance, Provide a written response to LicensingNo action required
Due Date
Aug 18, 2022

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Click here for a description of each "Category" of violation displayed.