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Community Care Facilities Licensing

Puddlejumpers Childcare Centre
311 In-Home Multi-Age Child Care
34824 Orchard Dr
(778) 809-1416
V3G 2B4
Kasie Frans

July 24, 2020
11:30 AM
12:30 PM


A routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (CCALA), the Child Care Licensing Regulations (CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practice (DLSP). The facility was inspected for compliance with a focus on Health and Hygiene practices / systems The Covid-19 Risk Screening Tool was completed with the facility manager prior to today's inspection as required by the Fraser Health Authority. Licensing outlined the precautions that would be taken during the inspection.

Previous Inspection -
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
LICENSING: 10010 - CCLR s.10(1) - Applicants for licences and licensees must notify a medical health officer immediately of any change in the information provided under section 9.
Observation: Renovations occurred within the facility ( both floors and outdoors ) without prior notification to Licensing
Corrective Action(s): A renovation plan was forwarded to Licensing ( received by email )
Date to be Corrected: July 24, 2020

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11010 - CCLR s.13(1) - A licensee must ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of employees.
Observation: Upper living room area had been transformed into a music studio and accessible to children. The space now includes a music stand for keyboard ( unstable ) and a full drum set. Licensee to remain with children on the lower level until a system can be created to prevent access.
Corrective Action(s): Please provide your plan on how you will ensure children do not have access to the music studio to avoid possible risk of injury.
Date to be Corrected: Aug 7, 2020

STAFFING: 12160 - CCLR s.20(1) - The licensee must not permit a person over the age of 12 to be ordinarily present on the premises of a community care facility while children are present, unless the person is of good character and the licensee has obtained a criminal record check for that person.
Observation: CRC expired for both Licensee and her spouse ( 2016 ) Additional CRC to be processed for those living in the home 12 years or older.
Corrective Action(s): please ensure CRC requirements are met every 5 years - discussed renewal and processing requirements. please forward your plan to ensure staff are fully screened.
Date to be Corrected: July 25, 2020

STAFFING: 12180 - CCLR s.22(2)(a) - A licensee must ensure that each employee (a) is trained in the implementation of the fire drill system and emergency plan described in subsection (1), including the use of any equipment noted in the fire drill system and emergency plan.
Observation: Fire Extinguisher overdue for annual servicing
Corrective Action(s): Ensure Fire Extinguishers are serviced annually as required.
Date to be Corrected: Aug 1, 2020

STAFFING: 12210 - CCLR s.23(1)(a) - A licensee must ensure that children have at all times immediate access to an employee who (a) holds a valid first aid and CPR certificate, provided on completion of a course that meets the requirements of Schedule C.
Observation: Licensee's first aid expired April 3, 2019, discussed plan to ensure children have at all times access to an individual with current first aid.
Corrective Action(s): forward your plan to ensure children have access to an individual with current first aid. Licensee plans to close due to upcoming plans and complete First Aid Requirements. Please forward a copy of completed certification once received.
Date to be Corrected: Aug 1, 2020


At the inspection dated July 23,2020 there were 3 children in the care of the licensee. During the inspection the Licensee demonstrated steps taken to support Covid-19 Safety Operating Plan providing details on the steps taken to increase monitoring of added health and hygiene measures.
In practicing Covid-19 precautions the inspection report was completed off site with arrangements made for delivery, therefore unsigned.
As part of this Routine Inspection a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy is provided. The Licensee was made aware of the contraventions which would be documented within the report prior to the LO leaving the premises.
A Renovation Safety Plan was emailed to CCFL at request of the LO , when contacting the facility to complete the Covid-19 Screening it was discovered that renovations had taken place at the facility without providing notification to Licensing therefore a plan was requested and Duty To Inform as included in legislation was reviewed.
Discussed ensuring lower patio area - point of entry to the daycare remains free of stored building supplies.
Discussed ensuring a system is developed to ensure regular and ongoing self monitoring occurs. Pattern of repeated non-complinace emerging.
Installation of a handrail to the upper area to assist children was discussed.
A follow up inspection to occur to view the areas identified with the report for compliance.

Please find the attached Covid-19 resources to support health and hygiene practices in your childcare facility.
· Resource Package For Child Care Facilities - Covid-19 Prevention
· Handwashing Rules - Poster ( Repeat often: before and after treating someone who is ill, toileting , eating, and cleaning )
Should you require any assistance please feel free to contact me - Business card provided.
‘Stay safe, stay calm and be kind; to ourselves and to each other’ - Dr. Bonnie Henry, Public Health Officer - March 2020

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into compliance, Provide a written response to LicensingFollow-up Inspection Required
Due Date
Aug 01, 2020
Approximate Follow Up Date
13 Aug, 2020

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