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Community Care Facilities Licensing

EYSK Childcare Center
311 In-Home Multi-Age Child Care
6252 131A St
(778) 994-8628
V3X 1N9
Nasreen Keval

June 28, 2018
09:30 AM
11:15 AM


An unscheduled routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (CCALA) and the Child Care Licensing Regulations (CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practice (DLSP). Evidence for this report was based on the licensing officer’s observations, review of the facility records, and information provided by the facility staff at the time of the inspection.

The following areas were reviewed:
· Licensing
· Physical Facility
· Staffing
· Policies and Procedures
· Care and Supervision
· Hygiene and Communicable Disease Control
· Medication
· Nutrition and Food Services
· Program
· Records and Reporting

As part of this routine inspection a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy is provided. The Risk Assessment includes non-compliance identified during the routine inspection, and a 3 year “historical” review of the facility’s compliance operation.

Visit the CCFL website at for:
· Additional resources, and
· Links to the Legislation (CCALA and CCLR)

Useful websites to consider:
· Criminal Record Checks:
· ECE Registry:
· Appetite to Play:

Previous Inspection -
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11010 - CCLR s.13(1) - A licensee must ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided at all times while children are under the supervision of employees.
Observation: Licensing observed ....
-an area in the backyard that is assessable to children with rusty furniture piled high on a table.
- Inside the classroom there is a large bulletin board that has been removed from the wall and is laying up against the wall (not secure, potentially could topple on a child).
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure a safe environment.
Date to be Corrected: July 3, 2018

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11160 - CCLR s.16(3)(a) - A licensee must ensure that the entire outdoor play area is (a) enclosed in a manner that is suitable for the age and development of children, and will ensure that children are free of harm.
Observation: Upon inspection of the outdoor area, Licensing notes that the fence between the play area and the neighbor's has a large section of paneling that has been destroyed and is completely open. The other side of the yard also has a gap in the panelling.
Licensee informed Licensing that the neighbors have a large dog that has destroyed the fence.The neighbors have said the dog is chained up, but Licensee explained it can reach the fenced area.

Corrective Action(s): Although today Licensing could not see the dog, Licensing is requiring the fence to be repaired immediately to ensure children can not leave the play area and no one (or animals ) can enter the play space.
Do not use the outdoor area until the fence is repaired.
Licensing did provide some suggestions for a quick fix, until the new permanent fence can be installed.
Date to be Corrected: Tuesday July 3, 2018

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 13060 - CCLR s.56(1)(d) - A licensee must keep current records of each of the following: (d) written policies and procedures that are intended to guide employees in the care and supervision of children.
Observation: A requirement to have two new policies (Active Play and Screen Use) were due to be created, implemented and provided to parents by September 2017. These policies have not been created as of yet.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure Active Play and Screen Use Policies are created as per the guidelines identified in the Director of Licensing Standards of Practice for active Play.
Date to be Corrected: July 4, 2018


During today’s inspection the Licensee and 6 children were on site. Licensing observed the following:
- The Licensee has implemented loose parts as part of her curriculum.

Reviewed and/or Discussed at time of this inspection with the Licensee:
· Staff's certificate has been validated- discussed ways to keep a record, best practice includes printing off a copy of the validation and keeping it on file.
· Attendance records are completed- however a discussion was had with the Licensee regarding the intent of the legislation's Section 57 (Attendance Records). The intent behind this requirement is to enable staff, and in an emergency - first responders, an accurate account of how many children are on site. Fraser Health has implemented a new guideline requiring attendance records to be recorded on a single daily sheet. A sample attendance record was provided to the Licensee,
· Licensing observed one drop down crib in the nap room. Due to Health Canada's recent recall of these types of cribs, Licensing is requiring to immediately stop using this crib and provide a safe alternative. Licensing will resend Health Canada's Resources on drop down cribs.
· Continuous Supervision was discussed
· Currently the Licensee is using hand towels to dry hands after washing- discussed creating a system to ensure that they are only used once (single use paper towels are still considered the most sanitary).
Tamper resistance plugs are in use- not required to use child covers
A system is in place to easily locate photos stored on the Licensees phone (some Emergency cards have printed out photos, which is still considered best practice).
Criminal Record Clearances are valid until 2022.

Resources provided today include;
· Immunization Poster

Please provide a written response by Tuesday July 3, 2018 addressing the above cited contraventions.
Due to the nature of the contraventions a follow up inspection will be conducted in the near future.
This inspection was reviewed with the Licensee prior to signing.
Thank you for your time and cooperation. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns; a business card has been provided previously.

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into compliance, Provide a written response to LicensingFollow-up Inspection Required
Due Date
Jul 03, 2018
Approximate Follow Up Date

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