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Abbotsford Christian School Childcare Preschool & Seamless Day

Facility Location:
3939 Old Clayburn Rd Abbotsford, V3G 1J9

Contact Information
Phone Number: (604) 755-1891
Manager: Denise Konynenbelt
* Facility managers should contact their assigned Licensing Officer if the contact information is incorrect.

Facility Information:
Facility Type: Child Care - 300
Service Type(s): 303 Preschool, 306 School Age Care on School Grounds
Capacity: 68
Licensee/Owner: Abbotsford Christian School Society
Regulated under:Community Care & Assisted Living Act and Child Care Licensing Regulation

Click on links below to see additional details.

Record Date
Routine Inspection  30-Oct-2023
Routine Inspection  13-Oct-2022
Routine Inspection  16-Sep-2021
Routine Inspection  9-Jan-2020
Routine Inspection  28-Feb-2019
Routine Inspection  14-Mar-2018