Chilliwack Child Care Facilities - C

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Name Phone Number Manager
Cailey Anne's Child Care (604) 703-9826  Cailey Perrins
Castle Childcare Centre (604) 795-4904  Virginia Reemeyer
Central Elementary Seamless Day (604) 792-8537  Donna Arnold
Central Sockeye Preschool (604) 792-8539  Denise Moore
Charlene's Family Child Care (604) 858-6105  Charlene Wilson
Chilliwack Child Care (778) 345-8800  Kelsey Truman
Chilliwack Childrens Academy (778) 882-1360  Parween Kaur
Chilliwack Community Services Child Minding (604) 792-4267  Lana Deruyter
Chilliwack Landing Preschool (604) 792-5337  Connie Prachnau
Cozy Bear Childcare (604) 793-8197  Loretta Miller
Cream of the Crop Enriched Learning & Childcare Centre Ltd. (604) 402-2273  Sylvie Clarke
Creative Kids Learning Centers - Chilliwack (604) 705-2017  Kristen St. Denis
Creator Childcare Learning Center Inc (778) 594-4449  Mandeep Kaur
Creekside Child Care (604) 745-4697  Stacy Bryant
Cubs on Kent Daycare Ltd (778) 552-7713  Harvinder Kaur