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Community Care Facilities Licensing

Happy Feet Childcare Centre
301 Group Child Care (under 36 months)
6550 Clinton St
(604) 808-7623
V5E 1A4
Anh Hoa Nguyen

March 17, 2023
09:30 AM
01:00 PM


An unscheduled routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (CCALA), the Child care Licensing Regulations (CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practice (DoLSoP).
All care categories were inspected for compliance.

Previous Inspection -
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11020 - CCLR s.13(2) - A licensee must ensure that the community care facility and the furniture, equipment and fixtures within it are clean and in good repair while children are in attendance.
Observation: Licensing observed the following:
-previously applied tape to address disrepair is peeling off of the dark brown bench.
-rusting legs on one of the high chairs. This is a repeat contravention from inspection #SMOY-CB3UXU.
-big chipping on one of the wooden floor boards making it porous and uncleanable.
-still water was observed in one of the children's outdoor baskets. This was corrected during inspection.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure the facility is in clean and good repair while children are in attendance.
Date to be Corrected: March 30, 2023.

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11200 - CCLR s.17 - A licensee must ensure that children do not have access to any object or substance that may be hazardous to the health or safety of a child.
Observation: Licensing observed the following in the outdoor area that was accessible to children:
-bottle of "Bug B Gon" Insecticidal Soap
-a rusty tin container containing other rusty materials
-a broken water table with sharp edges exposed
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure children do not have access to any hazardous object or substance
Date to be Corrected: March 20, 2023

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 13060 - CCLR s.56(1)(d) - A licensee must keep current records of each of the following: (d) written policies and procedures that are intended to guide employees in the care and supervision of children.
Observation: Upon reviewing policies and procedures, an Active Play and Screen Time policy was missing. As per the Licensee, she has updated the policies to include Active Play and Screen Time, but has not printed out an updated version that includes these policies. This is a repeat contravention from inspection #CLAN-BYYVWN.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that policies and procedures are complete and are available to employees.
Date to be Corrected: March 30, 2023.

CARE AND/OR SUPERVISION: 14060 - CCLR s.39(1) - A licensee must ensure that children are supervised at all times by a person who is an educator, an assistant or a responsible adult.
Observation: During outdoor time, Licensing observed that supervision of all children was not maintained with 1 child not within the Manager's sightline. Licensing discussed active supervision practices with the Manager as well as setting up the outdoor equipment onto the grassy area to facilitate supervision of all children.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that children are supervised at all times.
Date to be Corrected: Immediately.

HYGIENE AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASE: 15030 - CCLR s.46(1) - A licensee must establish a program to instruct children in, and to practise the rules of, health and hygiene.
Observation: As per the Manager, hand towels are used to wash the younger children's hands. Licensing explained that proper hand washing consists of using soap, running water, and the motion of rubbing hands together.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure all children practice proper hand washing.
Date to be Corrected: Immediately.

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19050 - CCLR s.56(1)(f) - A licensee must keep current records of each of the following: (f) a log of minor accidents, illnesses and unexpected events involving children, that did not require medical attention and were not reportable incidents described in Schedule H.
Observation: Licensing observed that the last entry for the facility's logbook was for February 2020. Licensing explained the purpose of a logbook is to document daily occurrences, such as, minor incidences, messages from parents, and/or observations of children's behaviours. A logbook acts as a running communication and documentation tool for the centre's staff.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure a current logbook is mantained.
Date to be Corrected: Immediately.

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19070 - CCLR s.57(2)(a) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (a) name, sex, date of birth, medical insurance plan number and immunization status.
Observation: Upon reviewing 5 children's files, 1 child was missing an MSP#.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure children's files are complete with all required information.
Date to be Corrected: March 24, 2023

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19090 - CCLR s.57(2)(c) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (c) daily attendance record, indicating for each day whether the child is absent or, if the child is present, the time of arrival and departure.
Observation: Upon reviewing attendance records, Licensing observed multiple days of this week where children's arrivals, departures, and absences were not recorded. Licensing has previously spoken to both the Licensee and Manager regarding the importance of accurately recording children's attendance.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure children's attendance is accurately recorded to include arrival and departure times as well as absences.
Date to be Corrected: Immediately.

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19100 - CCLR s.57(2)(d) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (d) name and telephone number of a parent, medical practitioner and emergency contact.
Observation: Upon reviewing 5 children's files, the following was observed:
-1 child missing doctor telephone #
-2 child missing an emergency contact
-2 children missing doctor name and telephone #

The Manager has stated that these children are new to the country and don't have this information yet. Licensing has explained that walk-in clinic information is acceptable and suggested placing a note on children's files indicating missing information and what has been done to address it.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that children's are complete with all required information.
Date to be Corrected: March 24, 2023

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19140 - CCLR s.57(2)(h)(i) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (h) any special instruction respecting the child's diet, medication, participation in a program of activities, or other matter relevant to the child's care, (i) given by the child's parent to the licensee in writing.
Observation: Upon reviewing children's files, there is a child with an allergy. The Manager is aware of this allergy, however there are no written instructions from the parents outlining symptoms to look out for and follow-up instructions in the case the child is exposed to the allergen.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure detailed instructions are obtained from the child's parent regarding the allergy.
Date to be Corrected: March 20, 2023.

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19160 - CCLR s.57(2)(i) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (i) a photograph or digital image of the child, and other information that can be used to readily identify the child in an emergency.
Observation: Upon reviewing 5 children's files, 1 child was a photo and/or digital image.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure children's files are complete with the required information.
Date to be Corrected: March 24, 2023


At today’s inspection, there were 4 children and the Manager present. The Licensee came part way through the inspection.

At this inspection, the above noted contraventions were identified and the Licensee is required to submit a compliance plan by the date below.

As part of this Routine Inspection, a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy was provided to the facility along with this report.
The Risk Assessment includes any non-compliance identified during the routine inspection and a 3 year ‘historical’ review of the facility’s compliance and operation and is used to determine inspection frequency.

The following was discussed:
-Secondary location for emergency evacuations
-Hand washing and sanitization practices
-Daily outdoor schedule; going outside more as the weather gets nicer
-Diapering schedule and routine
-Active supervision practices
-Audit of children's files
-Policies and procedures are a fluid document that can be revised and udpated
-Incident reporting
-Staffing exemptions
- Licensing Duty line: #604 587 3936 for emergencies if area Licensing Officer can’t be contacted.
-Regular review of BCCDC website for COVID-19 updates (see link below)

The following resources were provided at the time of inspection/by email:
-Reportable Incident forms

Visit the CCFL website at
for additional resources, and links to the Legislation (CCALA and CCLR).

Further websites:
Criminal Records Checks at:
Appetite to Play at:
Healthlink BC at:
BCCDC for Covid-19 information:

The contents of this inspection report were reviewed with the Manager. A copy of the report was provided by mail.
If you have any questions, please contact your Licensing Officer.

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Provide a written response to LicensingNo action required
Due Date
Mar 30, 2023

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