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Community Care Facilities Licensing

Puddlejumpers Childcare Centre
311 In-Home Multi-Age Child Care
34824 Orchard Dr
(604) 744-5341
V3G 2B4
Kasie Frans

May 30, 2016
11:30 AM
01:30 PM


An unscheduled routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care & Assisted Living Act (CCALA), the Child Care Licensing Regulation (CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practice (DOLSP). Evidence for this report was based on the Licensing Officer’s observations, review of the facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of inspection.
The following areas were reviewed:
· Licensing
· Physical Facility
· Staffing
· Polices & Procedures
· Care & Supervision
· Hygiene and Communicable Disease Control
· Medication
· Nutrition and Food Services
· Program
· Records and Reporting
As part of the routine inspection a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy is provided. The Risk Assessment includes non-compliance identified during the routine inspection and a 3 year “historical” review of the facility’s compliance and operation.
Visit the CCFL website at for:
· Additional resources and
· Links to the Legislation (CCALA & CCLR)

Live 5210 starter kit and information was provided and discussed

Should you have any questions pertaining to this report please feel free to contact me
Licensing Officer
Community Care Facilities Licensing

Previous Inspection - Contraventions observed on FIR #DCAR-9WJMK4 have been corrected except for those noted on supplementary pages.
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11080 - CCLR s.15(1)(a) - A licensee must supply equipment, furniture and supplies that are (a) of sturdy and safe construction, easy to clean and free from hazards.
Observation: a large hole large enough for a child to place their head through is observed within the playpen presenting risk of head entrapment, the napping mats were torn many with taped corners , 1 with exposed foam.
Corrective Action(s): please ensure equipment and furnishings are safe for use to prevent injury and to ensure cleaning can occur. Playpen use to be discontinued immediately.
Date to be Corrected: May 30, 2016

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11110 - CCLR s.15(2)(b) - A licensee must ensure that each piece of furniture or equipment for sleeping (b) is clean and comfortable.
Observation: Observed visibly dirty bedding , licensee stated that the sheets are laundered once a month. It was noted that several children in care appeared to have runny noses which was presented as an example of why bedding should be washed more frequently.
Corrective Action(s): please ensure children's bedding is clean which supports a healthy environment..
Date to be Corrected: May 31, 2016

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11200 - CCLR s.17 - A licensee must ensure that children do not have access to any object or substance that may be hazardous to the health or safety of a child.
Observation (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION): loose plastic shopping bags placed in an open bin in the corner of the playarea accessible to children , present suffocation risks
Corrective Action(s): please ensure children do not have access to any object which may be hazardous to their health or safety.
Date to be Corrected: May 30, 2016

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11300 - DLSOP Safe Play Space (play space design [b5]) - [bullet 5] Structures that incorporate stairs, landings, ladders, tunnels, bridges, etc. must have appropriate and secure safety barriers, guardrails and railings.
Observation: a set of stairs located at the top level of the yard are covered with a non slip product as previously noted however during today's inspection while observing young children ( 1 yr old and under 2 yrs ) approaching the stairs there was a concern of potential injury should they fall down the stairs. A grassy hill is located beside the stairs which was observed in use as children enjoyed climbing up the gradual slope , it would not be expected that the hill be blocked but rather the stairs made inaccessible to present injury.
Corrective Action(s): please ensure the stairs are restricted to prevent injury especially with younger children in care.
Date to be Corrected: June 15, 2016

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 13060 - CCLR s.56(d) - A licensee must keep current records of each of the following: (d) written policies and procedures that are intended to guide employees in the care and supervision of children.
Observation: A reportable incident policy was not located , reporting requirements were reviewed with the licensee. no documentation was recorded within the non reportable incident log.
Corrective Action(s): please ensure a reporting policy is developed to guide staff in the steps to be taken should a child sustain an injury or be involved in an incident which meets the definition or a reportable incident while in care
Date to be Corrected: June 10, 2016

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 13080 - CCALA s.19 - If a person prepays part of the cost of services provided by a class of community care facilities designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, the licensee must, at the time of the prepayment, deliver to the person a written statement setting out the terms and conditions on which a refund of all or any of the prepayment will be made.
Observation: In review of the contract families are asking to submit a deposit and with options for payments listed which include prepayment. A repayment policy was not included
Corrective Action(s): please ensure a repayment agreement is developed and provided to families , Licensing to forward a Bulletin which contains information to assist you.
Date to be Corrected: June 10, 2016

HYGIENE AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASE: 15030 - CCLR s.46(1) - A licensee must establish a program to instruct children in, and to practise the rules of, health and hygiene.
Observation: Children participated in outdoor snack wiping hands with hand wipes , licensee observed assisting children with wiping their noses discussed ensuring steps taken to reduce risk of spreading illness as handwashing did not occur.
Corrective Action(s): ensure while outdoors that preparations are made to be equipped with the supplies needed to carry out all aspects or programming such as hand sanitizer , well stocked first aid kit ( when off site ) and discussion took place pertaining to the use of soap and water only to cleanse minor scrapes as polysporin which expired in 2011 was observed
Date to be Corrected: May 31, 2016

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19070 - CCLR s.57(2)(a) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (a) name, sex, date of birth, medical insurance plan number and immunization status.
Observation: Children's records are required to contain the gender of the child attending
Corrective Action(s): please ensure this information is added to your registration forms.
Date to be Corrected: June 5, 2016


Additional time spent on site in review of reporting requirements , Reportable Incident forms located within the licensee's office along with other resources provided by the licensing officer at previous inspections. Discussed the importance of regular self monitoring and reviewed the Child Care Links Checklist as an excellent tool to implement monthly in order to be procative to assess for compliance.

The upstairs area of the home was also inspected although to date has not been used as a space to provide care to children.
Licensee has worked hard to ensure the upstairs was ready for use and waiting for an inspection to occur prior to doing so. Overall well organized and safe with the exception of the following hazards accessible to children :
Cleaners stored in the closet - not secured
long lamp cord running across the floor ( not plugged in )
couch pushed up against the wall with stairwell behind it ( concern of a child climbing over the pony wall )
large dog bowl filled with water and current location of knife block on a ledge / shelf
Prior to using the upstairs area please provide within your written response details on the steps taken to ensure the area is safe for use.

Children observed participating in outdoor time and returning indoors to transition to lunch , licensee provides lunches as part of the program and posts the daily menu.

Discussed the development of a Pet Policy as program has changed to now permit the family dog to accompany the children both indoors and out.

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into compliance, Provide a written response to LicensingFollow-up Inspection Required
Due Date
Jun 09, 2016
Approximate Follow Up Date
13 Jul, 2016

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