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Community Care Facilities Licensing

Blueridge Preschool Ltd.
302 Group Child Care (30 months to school age)
303 Preschool (30 months to school age)
3459 Goldfinch Street
(604) 870-8878
V2T 6Y5
Inderpreet Sahota

June 06, 2022
09:50 AM
11:00 AM


An unscheduled routine inspection was conducted to assess compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (CCALA), the Child care Licensing Regulations (CCLR) and the relevant Director of Licensing Standards of Practice (DoLSoP).
All care categories were inspected for compliance.

Previous Inspection -
Current Inspection - Items reviewed comply with the Act, regulations & standards of practice except for those noted on supplementary pages.

Observed Violations
LICENSING: 10050 - CCLR s.11(1) - A licensee must display in a prominent place in the community care facility both the licence, including any terms or conditions of the licence, and the name of the manager.
Observation: Licensing observed that the licence was not posted in the Group Child Care (30-SA) program , nor was the name of the Manager posted in any of the programs.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure this information is available for families to view.
Date to be Corrected: June 14, 2022

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11200 - CCLR s.17 - A licensee must ensure that children do not have access to any object or substance that may be hazardous to the health or safety of a child.
Observation: Licensing observed that a cleaning solution was located in a cupboard under a bathroom sink. This bathroom is primarily used for staff but is included in the facility requirements for the group of 20 preschool children.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure any cleaning solutions/products remain inaccessible to children in care
Date to be Corrected: June 7, 2022

PHYSICAL FACILITY, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS: 11230 - CCLR s.47 - A licensee must ensure that any heated water accessible to children is heated to no more than 49° Celsius.
Observation: Licensing observed that the water temperature in a bathroom located in the Preschool room was reading over 51 degrees celcius, measured with a digital thermometer. The staff said that children generally use the other bathroom with one sink and one toilet, where the hot water is shut off.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure that hot water, accessible to children in care, remains below 49 degrees celcius.
Date to be Corrected: June 8, 2022

STAFFING: 12040 - CCLR s.19(1)(a) - A licensee must not employ a person in a community care facility unless the licensee or, in the case of a person who is not the manager, the manager has first met with the person and obtained all of the following: (a) a criminal record check for the person.
Observation: On review of four staff files, Licensing observed an expired criminal record check for the Manager. Staff said that the Manager has recently worked as a staff at the facility.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure all staff have a current cleared criminal record check.
Date to be Corrected: June 14, 2022

STAFFING: 12140 - CCLR s.19(4)(a) - A licensee must not employ a person in a community care facility as (a) an educator or an assistant unless the person holds a certificate issued under Division 2 [Employee Qualifications], which must be verified by the system maintained by the early childhood educator registry. (Educator or assistant certificate validation)
Observation: On review of four staff files, Licensing observed that two were missing current validations.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure a current validation is available for all certified staff.
Date to be Corrected: June 14, 2022

CARE AND/OR SUPERVISION: 14030 - CCLR s.34(2)(b) - Without limiting subsection (1), a licensee must ensure that (b) the ratio of employees to children attending a community care facility is no less than that permitted in Schedule E.
Observation: Licensing observed that the group child care (30-SA) program only had one staff in place with 9 children in care. There were 2 other staff on premise in the Preschool program.
Corrective Action(s): Appropriate staffing must be in place to meet the staff to child ratio of the group. Please submit a corrective action plan.
Date to be Corrected: June 14, 2022

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19090 - CCLR s.57(2)(c) - A licensee must keep, for each child, a record showing the following information: (c) daily attendance record, indicating for each day whether the child is absent or, if the child is present, the time of arrival and departure.
Observation: Licensing observed that the attendance records for the Preschool program showed 3 children in attendance that were actually attending the Group Child Care (30-SA) program. These children attend for a half hour prior to the daycare staff arriving, but were not signed out. Discussed appropriate methods for accurately reflecting the information.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure attendance records accurately reflect children's movements between programs.
Date to be Corrected: June 8, 2022

RECORDS AND REPORTING: 19210 - CCLR s.58(1)(a) - A licensee must keep, for each child requiring extra support, a current care plan showing the following information: (a) the diagnoses relevant to the child's requirement for extra support, as made by health care professionals.
Observation: No care plan available for a child requiring extra support and to be developed in consultation with parents/family.
Corrective Action(s): Please ensure a care plan is available to support staff in managing and meeting the child's needs.
Date to be Corrected: June 14, 2022


Summary of Inspection

At today’s inspection there were 9 children in the Preschool program with 2 staff and 9 children in the Group Child Care (30 months to school age) program with 1 staff present.
The facility operates 3 different Preschool programs throughout the day.

At this inspection the above noted contraventions were identified.
The Licensee is required to submit a corrective action plan by the date below, which will be reviewed and monitored by Licensing.

As part of this Routine Inspection, a Facility Risk Assessment Tool is completed and a copy was provided to the facility along with this report.
The Risk Assessment includes any non-compliance identified during the routine inspection and a 3 year ‘historical’ review of the facility’s compliance and operation and is used to determine inspection frequency.

The following was discussed:
- Accurate record keeping
- Hygiene and sanitization practices in line with Covid-19 prevention strategies
- Low shelving being more secure
- Emergency supplies and accessibility of food supplies at the secondary location - update policy.
- Care plan requirements
- Licensing Duty line: #604 587 3936 for emergencies if area Licensing Officer can’t be contacted.
- Regular review of BCCDC website for COVID-19 updates (see link below)

The following resources were provided at the time of inspection/by email:
- Childcare Links - Care and Supervision - Care Plans

Visit the CCFL website at
for additional resources, and links to the Legislation (CCALA and CCLR).

Further websites:
Criminal Records Checks at:
Appetite to Play at:
Healthlink BC at:
BCCDC for Covid-19 information:

The contents of this inspection report were reviewed with the Licensee/Manager prior to the inspection report being written off-site, therefore no signature attached.
If you have any questions, please contact your Licensing Officer.

Action Required by Licensee/ManagerAction Required by Licensing Staff
Take corrective action to bring facility into compliance, Provide a written response to LicensingNo action required
Due Date
Jun 14, 2022

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