Fraser Health Authority

Health Protection
Pho Chan
Tel: (604) 553-0790
19 - 800 McBride Blvd
New Westminster, BC V3L 2B8
September 7, 2017
2.5 hours
OPERATOR (Person in Charge)
Dung Hoang
September 08, 2017
Information Provided
Require Corrections, Issue Closure Order
In Use
Food Safety Training [s. 10]
Food Safety Plan [s. 23]
Sanitation Plan [s. 24]
HAZARD RATING FOR YOUR FACILITY: High (≥30) Total Score = 206
Critical Hazards: Total Number: 7
203 - Food not cooled in an acceptable manner [s. 12(a)]
Observation: 1) Large bowl of chicken breasts was left out at room temperature. No time tracking. Internal temperature ranges from 23.8 degrees Celsius to 31.4 degrees Celsius. No Food safety plan available. Operator indicated that the chicken had been cooked at 10 am and that they were cooling it before placing in the cooler. Cooling curve discussed. Foods must be cooled from 60 Celsius to 20 Celsius within 2 hours; then from 20 Celsius to 4 Celsius within 4 hours. Approximately 15 pounds of chicken discarded. See also notes under unsafe cooking.
2) Three large buckets of broth were being cooled at room temperature. 44 Degrees Celsius internal temperature. 5 Gallon buckets are too large to use for cooling unless you use ice baths and/or ice wands. Broth was cooked "this morning," operator estimated around 12 pm which was 3.5 hours previous. Broth should reach 20 Celsius within 2 hours of cooling. Broth discarded. Food safety plan is required for this item.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 25

204 - Food not cooked or reheated in a manner that makes it safe to eat [s. 14(1)]
Observation: Chicken and other meats are "partially" cooked, then cooled and reheated before serving. Of note, bowl of chicken breast noted under improper cooling infraction was noted to be very pink in the middle. Picture taken. When questioned about safe cooking temperatures, the operator did not know the safe temperature required to cook chicken. Chicken must reach an internal temperature of at least 74 Celsius before it is served or cooled. Failure to cook chicken to at least 74 Celsius every time can result in food borne illness. Food safety plan is required for this item detailing safe cooking temperatures and cooling procedures.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 25

205 - Cold potentially hazardous food stored/displayed above 4 °C. [s. 14(2)]
Observation: 1) Large bins of sprouts stored in tepid water; 23 degrees Celsius. Discarded.
2) Approximately one dozen eggs left at room temperature. 26.6 degrees Celsius. Discarded.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 25

301 - Equipment/utensils/food contact surfaces not maintained in sanitary condition [s. 17(1)]
Observation: Storage shelves for clean dishes are dirty and grimy. Clean and sanitize. containers used to hold "clean" utensils are dirty. Clean and sanitize.

Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 25

302 - Equipment/utensils/food contact surfaces not properly washed and sanitized [s. 17(2)]
Observation: Dirty cleaning cloths left out on food prep surfaces with no trace of bleach. No prepared bleach is kept anywhere in the front or back kitchen. Spray bottle used for customer tables has no detectable bleach. Keep all cleaning cloths in buckets of prepared bleach sanitizer at all times while operating.
Sanitize your counters frequently.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 15

401 - Adequate handwashing stations not available for employees [s. 21(4)]
Observation: Back kitchen hand sink is plugged, does not drain. Repair. Also was being used as a shelf for dirty dishes. Keep sink accessible for hand washing at all times. Do not put items in or on top of any hand washing sinks. Paper towel dispenser at front kitchen hand sink is not working. Repair.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 25

402 - Employee does not wash hands properly or at adequate frequency [s. 21(3)]
Observation: No food workers were noted as washing hands during entire inspection, which was over 2 hours long. No paper towel noted in garbage cans. If staff are washing hands frequently and properly you should see used paper towels in the nearby garbage cans.
Corrective Action(s): Hand washing discussed. Repair sink and paper towel dispensers and place garbage cans near each handsink for easy use.
Violation Score: 15

Non-Critical Hazards: Total Number: 7
209 - Food not protected from contamination [s. 12(a)]
Observation: 1) Eggs are kept on a low shelf in front of the grill; splatterred with grease and grime. This is a very unsanitary practrice. Keep all foods in clean areas.
2) Plastic containers and colanders with holes in bottom and sides are being used for food storage. These containers can not protect food from contamination and are not acceptable for food storage. Of note a plastic colander full of rice was found in a filthy microwave. Rice was discarded.
3)Numerous meats are let uncovered in all fridges. Keep all foods covered during storage at all times.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 9

212 - Operator has not provided acceptable written food handling procedures [s. 23]
Observation: Submit food safety plans for all food items that were noted as unsafe during this inspection. Eggs, Sprouts, chicken, rice, and broth.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 3

304 - Premises not free of pests [s. 26(a)]
Observation: Fruit flies and some house flies observed throughout. Flies flew out of bread bin when lid was lifted. Full fly strip noted in washroom. glue trap hung near back of kitchen is covered in flies; glue is starting to drip down. Remove glue trap from kitchen.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 9

305 - Conditions observed that may allow entrance/harbouring/breeding of pests [s. 26(b),(c)]
Observation: See #306 - Premise is very dirty with food debris which attracts pests. Clean.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 9

306 - Food premises not maintained in a sanitary condition [s. 17(1)]
Observation: Entire kitchen is very dirty. Grease and food debris has accumulated under all equipment. This is contributing to the fly problem. Clean entire kitchen, ensuring that you pull out all large equipment and clean behind and underneath. All three microwaves in kitchen were noted as being covered inside with extensive splatters of food and pooling grease. Clean all equipment and shelving including microwaves and inside of fridges.

Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 15

307 - Equipment/utensils/food contact surfaces are not of suitable design/material [s. 16; s. 19]
Observation (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION): Paint brush is used for basting food. This is not food grade. Use only food-grade utensils for cooking. Discarded.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 3

310 - Single use containers & utensils are used more than once [s. 20]
Observation: Disposable take-out containers were observed being washed in the dishwasher for re-use. Do not re-use disposable dishes.
Corrective Action(s):
Violation Score: 3

Follow Up to "Critical" Violations Noted on Previous Inspections (if applicable): No corrections entered

Closure order issued.

Dishwasher was 77 Celsius at plate level.
Fridges were all <4 Celsius.
No sign of rodents.
Follow up inspection tomorrow.